How AI Helped a Student Achieve Top Marks on an Essay

How AI Helped a Student Achieve Top Marks on an Essay

The Process: Step-by-Step

Topic Selection

The first step in writing an essay is selecting a suitable topic. The student used AI to brainstorm ideas and identify a topic with ample research material. Tools like ChatGPT helped generate potential essay topics based on the student’s interests and academic requirements.

Research and Data Collection

Once the topic was selected, the student utilized AI tools to gather relevant information. By entering keywords and phrases into Semantic Scholar and Google Scholar, the student quickly accessed a wealth of scholarly articles and research papers. AI’s ability to sort and prioritize the most relevant sources saved significant time.

Outlining the Essay

Creating a detailed outline is crucial for a well-structured essay. The student used AI to organize the collected data into a coherent outline. Tools like MindMeister, an AI-powered mind mapping tool, helped in visualizing the structure and flow of the essay.

Writing and Editing

With the outline in place, the student began writing the essay. AI writing assistants like Grammarly and ProWritingAid provided real-time feedback on grammar, style, and readability. This iterative process of writing and editing ensured the essay was clear, concise, and free of errors.

Plagiarism Check

Before submitting the essay, the student used AI tools to check for plagiarism. Tools like Turnitin and Copyscape scanned the essay to ensure originality and proper citation of sources. This step was critical in maintaining academic integrity and avoiding potential penalties.

Example Essay: Initial Draft and AI Transformation

To illustrate the impact of AI, let’s examine an example essay before and after using

Initial Draft

Title: The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers

Introduction: Social media has become an integral part of teenagers’ lives. This essay explores the positive and negative effects of social media on adolescents, focusing on aspects such as mental health, social skills, and academic performance.

Body Paragraph 1: Social media platforms offer numerous benefits for teenagers. They provide a space for self-expression and creativity, allowing teens to share their thoughts, ideas, and talents with a broader audience.

Body Paragraph 2: However, social media also has negative impacts. Excessive use can lead to addiction, which affects teenagers’ mental health. Studies have shown a correlation between social media use and increased anxiety and depression among adolescents.

Body Paragraph 3: Moreover, social media can affect academic performance. Teens often spend hours on social media, which can distract them from their studies and reduce their academic achievement.

Conclusion: In conclusion, while social media offers several benefits for teenagers, it also poses significant risks. It is essential to find a balance to maximize the positive aspects while minimizing the negative impacts.

Transformed Essay Using

Title: The Dual Impact of Social Media on Teenagers

Introduction: In today’s digital age, social media has become a cornerstone of teenage life. This essay delves into the dual impact of social media on adolescents, highlighting both its advantages and drawbacks, particularly concerning mental health, social interactions, and academic outcomes.

Body Paragraph 1: Social media platforms are a hub for teenage creativity and self-expression. They provide unique opportunities for teens to share their thoughts, ideas, and talents with a global audience, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

Body Paragraph 2: Despite these benefits, social media’s adverse effects cannot be overlooked. Excessive use often leads to addiction, significantly impacting teenagers’ mental health. Numerous studies have demonstrated a strong link between social media use and heightened levels of anxiety and depression among young users.

Body Paragraph 3: Furthermore, the impact of social media on academic performance is a growing concern. Many teens spend considerable time on these platforms, which can detract from their studies and result in lower academic achievement. Managing screen time is crucial to ensure that social media does not hinder educational success.

Conclusion: In conclusion, while social media presents several valuable opportunities for teenagers, it also brings substantial risks. Striking a balance is essential to harness the benefits of social media while mitigating its potential harms.

Research and Analysis

Survey of AI Effectiveness in Academic Writing

AI Tool Percentage of Use Average Grade Improvement

To understand the broader impact of AI on academic writing, we conducted a survey among students who have used AI tools for their essays. The survey included questions about the types of AI tools used, their perceived effectiveness, and the grades received.

AI ToolPercentage of UseAverage Grade Improvement
Semantic Scholar65%+10%
Google Scholar80%+13%


  • Grammarly: Widely used for its ease of use and effectiveness in correcting grammatical errors. Students reported a significant improvement in their grades.
  • ProWritingAid: Valued for its comprehensive writing reports, helping students improve their writing style.
  • Semantic Scholar and Google Scholar: Both tools were essential for efficient research, providing quick access to a large number of scholarly articles.
  • Turnitin: Crucial for ensuring the originality of the essays, which contributed to higher grades.
  • Helped students transform their initial drafts into more polished and coherent final versions, showing a notable improvement in grades.


AI has proven to be a powerful ally for students aiming to achieve high academic performance. By assisting in various stages of essay writing—from topic selection to final editing—AI tools can significantly enhance the quality of student work. This case study demonstrates that with the right tools and techniques, students can leverage AI to achieve top marks and excel in their academic endeavors.

FAQ – How AI Helped a Student Achieve Top Marks on an Essay

1. What is the main topic of the article?

The article discusses how a student used AI tools to achieve high marks on an essay.

2. Which AI tools were used for topic selection?

Tools like ChatGPT were used to brainstorm ideas and select a topic with ample research material.

3. How did the student gather research materials?

The student used AI tools like Semantic Scholar and Google Scholar to find relevant scholarly articles quickly.

4. What tools helped in outlining the essay?

AI-powered mind mapping tools like MindMeister were used to organize data into a coherent outline.

5. Which AI tools assisted in writing and editing?

Grammarly, ProWritingAid, and provided real-time feedback on grammar, style, and readability.

6. How was plagiarism checked?

AI tools like Turnitin and Copyscape were used to ensure originality and proper citation.

7. What impact did using AI have on the final essay?

The use of AI transformed the essay into a more polished and coherent version, improving its quality and readability.

8. What are the features of offers tools for essay writing, including AI assistance for topic generation, research, and editing. It helps students streamline their writing process by providing structured guidance and enhancing the quality of their work.

9. What overall benefits do AI tools provide in academic writing?

AI tools help save time, enhance research efficiency, improve writing quality, and ensure originality.

10. What recommendations does the article provide for students?

The article recommends using multiple AI tools, staying updated on new AI features, and practicing ethical use to maximize benefits in academic writing.

Recommendations for Students

To maximize the benefits of AI in academic writing, students should:

  1. Utilize Multiple AI Tools: Combine the strengths of different AI tools for research, writing, and editing.
  2. Continuous Learning: Stay updated on new AI tools and features that can further enhance academic performance.
  3. Practice Ethical Use: Ensure proper citation and originality to maintain academic integrity.

By integrating these practices, students can harness the full potential of AI to excel in their academic pursuits.